Dedicated to improving the quality of legal practice in Colorado's federal courts.
David P. Hersh, Burg Simpson Eldredge Hersh Jardine, PC Chip Glaze, COLAP (Colorado Lawyers Assistance Program)
12 noon - 1:15 p.m.
It isn’t often that a lawyer is willing to share a personal story of stress, anxiety, depression and substance abuse, but one such lawyer has a powerful message for other lawyers. During this CLE, David Hersh will share his story of despair and the road he took to recovery. Attendees will not only hear about Mr. Hersh’s journey, but they will learn about the invaluable and life-saving resources available through COLAP (Colorado Lawyers Assistance Program) for lawyers who are facing similar challenges. Throughout the presentation, references will be made to ethics rules from the Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct that address situations were lawyers are impaired by any type of mental health issues.
This is a difficult subject to consider but the professional and personal consequences for lawyers with mental health issues are something that cannot be ignored.
2 General/ 1.5 Ethics CLE Credits approved.
Click HERE, HERE and HERE for written materials.